Comments from the Yogis

"My husband keeps asking me why I'm in such a good mood!"
~Pam S.
"I look forward to yoga every week. I feel more relaxed after my session and I've been trying to practice my stretches and breathing during the work day to help alleviate stress and my arthritis in my neck and back. It works wonders!"
~Angel G.
"I enjoy going to yoga class every week. It is a lot of fun and very refreshing for the body."
~ Angie M.
"I look forward to this class because I know I will walk away relaxed and refocused. I have learned techniques that help me when I become stressed or on edge."
~ Nancy C.
"I've been going to your yoga class since January and (am) still going strong. I love it."
~Sabrina T.
"Best exercise for me ever. Cynthia's class is my go-to for meditation and stress relief."
~ Theresa M.
"I feel yoga has helped me to be more at peace and helped me to stay more focused."
~ Anonymous
"Cynthia's yoga is outstanding! Great flows, work poses and pace. I love her speaking/phrases, too!"
~ Vince T.
"Yoga with Cynthia has become a crucial part of my wellness practice. She offers a wonderful balance of physical and spiritual experience."
~ Suzanne T. ​