Week of 1/5/2020-1/12/2020. Intention: Saucha (Purity) and Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender.) In our yoga classes at Balance Your Life Yoga, LLC, we used the month of December to unclutter our bodies and minds by making space in our bodies, minds and spirits. We practiced, in different weeks, focusing on the spine, the pelvis, the heart and the kidneys. In a way, we were "cleaning out" or "decluttering" held tensions; emotional, mental and physical toxins; and perhaps even non-healthy relationships, being that a relationship can be with another person, an undesirable habit, or even ourselves. Rather than "add on" another activity as a New Year's resolution, I am extending an invitation to leave something behind as we travel on our journey into the new year. Is there something we've been holding onto that would not serve us in the upcoming year? By letting go and "decluttering," we make space for acceptance of our Divine Destiny. By practicing yoga, breathing, and meditating, we are holding space for the most beautiful 'next thing' on our journey. We can surrender in trust to our Creator's plan, and rest in the golden silence of our serenity.
What better way to begin the new year...Leave something behind...declutter...We declutter our homes, why not our souls? Thank you for helping us see the way to a brighter tomorrow!